Type Narrowing in TypeScript

December 28, 2019 · 7 mins read
Photo by gil on Unsplash

One of my 2020 resolutions is to learn how to create my own programming language, along with an interpreter and compiler for it. I’m writing the interpreter and compiler in TypeScript. My eventual goal is to compile it into wasm, and introduce some fun language features like pattern matching, the pipe |> operator from F#/Elixir, and other fun stuff I haven’t yet thought about.

As of time of writing, I have mostly completed the lexer and parser for my interpreter and am about to jump into evaluation. I stream on Twitch when I work on it (usually weekends PST), so check in if you’re interested in watching!

This blog post is to share a TypeScript tip I’ve picked up while creating this language: type narrowing.

Being precise helps TypeScript help you

When lexing my language, I create tokens that represent the various language features you might use in your program: defining functions and variables, using infix operators like + in x + y, conditional logic, and so on. I created a Token type that represents a simple data structure representing my tokens. Each token has a type property that comes from an enum that represents the various syntax of my language:

export type LiteralType = string;
export type Token = {
  type: TokenType;
  literal: LiteralType;
export const enum TokenType {
  EOF = 'EOF',

  // Identifiers + Literals
  INT = 'INT',

  // Operators
  ASSIGN = '=',
  PLUS = '+',
  MINUS = '-',
  BANG = '!',
  ASTERISK = '*',
  SLASH = '/',

  LT = '<',
  GT = '>',

  EQ = '==',
  NOT_EQ = '!=',

  // Delimiters
  COMMA = ',',
  SEMICOLON = ';',

  LPAREN = '(',
  RPAREN = ')',
  LBRACE = '{',
  RBRACE = '}',

  // Keywords
  LET = 'LET',
  TRUE = 'TRUE',
  IF = 'IF',
  ELSE = 'ELSE',

As an example, here’s what my lexer tokenizes when it encounters this input:

let add = fn(x, y) {
  x + y;
  { type: TokenType.LET, literal: 'let' },
  { type: TokenType.IDENT, literal: 'add' },
  { type: TokenType.ASSIGN, literal: '=' },
  { type: TokenType.FUNCTION, literal: 'fn' },
  { type: TokenType.LPAREN, literal: '(' },
  { type: TokenType.IDENT, literal: 'x' },
  { type: TokenType.COMMA, literal: ',' },
  { type: TokenType.IDENT, literal: 'y' },
  { type: TokenType.RPAREN, literal: ')' },
  { type: TokenType.LBRACE, literal: '{' },
  { type: TokenType.IDENT, literal: 'x' },
  { type: TokenType.PLUS, literal: '+' },
  { type: TokenType.IDENT, literal: 'y' },
  { type: TokenType.SEMICOLON, literal: ';' },
  { type: TokenType.RBRACE, literal: '}' },
  { type: TokenType.SEMICOLON, literal: ';' },
  { type: TokenType.EOF, literal: '' },

These tokens are iterated on by my parser, which parses the tokens and creates an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). As it encounters tokens of different types (used in different contexts), it recursively creates AST nodes that take into account operator precedence. Here’s an example of an AST node that represents a boolean literal:

export type BooleanLiteralToken = {
  type: TokenType.TRUE | TokenType.FALSE;
  literal: LiteralType;

export default class BooleanLiteral implements Expression {
  constructor(public token: BooleanLiteralToken, public value: boolean) {}

  expressionNode() { /** snip **/ }
  tokenLiteral() {  /** snip **/ }
  toString() { /** snip **/ }

The nice thing about this code is that the TypeScript compiler prevents me from creating an instance of the BooleanLiteral AST node if the current token is not of type TRUE or FALSE. This makes intuitive sense as I’d never want to have a BooleanLiteral AST node created for the token type of SEMICOLON. You could say that the BooleanLiteral constructor accepts a narrower version of the type Token.

The set of Tokens includes 27 tokens, but there are only 2 types of BooleanLiteral tokens
The set of Tokens includes 27 tokens, but there are only 2 types of BooleanLiteral tokens

The problem now is that as I iterate through all the tokens from our input, TypeScript has no way to tell what kind of Token we’re currently examining. In fact, it throws a compiler error. How can we tell TypeScript what kind of token we’ve encountered?

export default function parseBoolean(this: Parser): Expression {
  return new BooleanLiteral(this.currToken, /* ... */);
  //                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  // Argument of type 'Token' is not assignable to parameter of type
  // 'BooleanLiteralToken'.
  //   Types of property 'type' are incompatible.
  //     Type 'TokenType' is not assignable to type
  //     'TokenType.TRUE | TokenType.FALSE'.ts(2345)

Type narrowing with assertion functions

TypeScript 3.7 introduces a new feature: assertion functions. Like type guards, using an assertion function lets you reassure the compiler that you have a more precise type. It also captures a common pattern in JavaScript, where we assert on invariants that must hold true at runtime.

To assert that the current token that’s being examined when the parseBoolean function is called is either { type: TokenType.TRUE } or { type: TokenType.FALSE }, we can use an assertion function that both narrows the type as well as throws a helpful runtime error if it does encounter something it’s not expecting:

export default function assertTokenType<T extends TokenType>(
  token: Token,
  ...assertedTokenTypes: T[]
): asserts token is { type: T; literal: LiteralType } {
  const satisfiesAssertion = assertedTokenTypes.some(
    type => type === token.type
  if (!satisfiesAssertion) {
    throw new AssertionError({
      message: `Token type is not: ${assertedTokenTypes.join(' OR ')}`,

After using the above assertion, TypeScript now knows that this.currToken must be either a token of type TRUE or FALSE:

export default function parseBoolean(this: Parser): Expression {
  assertTokenType(this.currToken, TokenType.TRUE, TokenType.FALSE)
  return new BooleanLiteral(this.currToken, /* ... */);
  //                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  // (property) Parser.currToken: {
  //   type: TokenType.TRUE | TokenType.FALSE;
  //   literal: string;
  // }

And in the event that something goes awry at runtime, I can at least throw an assertion error to help me debug the issue.

Type narrowing with type guards

Another handy way to narrow a type is to use type guards.

Here’s a common util that I use to check if an object has a property defined:

export default function hasOwnProperty<T>(
  obj: T,
  key: PropertyKey
): key is keyof T {
  return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key);

For example, this allows me to narrow the broad ident type in the lookupIdentifier function from string (cardinality: ∞) to the union type of string literals (cardinality: 7) that encompass the keys in my KEYWORDS map:

const KEYWORDS = {
  fn: TokenType.FUNCTION,
  let: TokenType.LET,
  true: TokenType.TRUE,
  false: TokenType.FALSE,
  if: TokenType.IF,
  else: TokenType.ELSE,
  return: TokenType.RETURN,
} as const;

export function lookupIdentifier(ident: string) {
  if (hasOwnProperty(KEYWORDS, ident)) {
    return KEYWORDS[ident];
    //              ^^^^^
    // (parameter) ident:
    //   | "fn"
    //   | "let"
    //   | "true"
    //   | "false"
    //   | "if"
    //   | "else"
    //   | "return"
  return TokenType.IDENT;

TypeScript can even infer the return type from my function signature without the need for me to be explicit:

// inferred by TypeScript
function lookupIdentifier(
  ident: string
  | TokenType.IDENT
  | TokenType.FUNCTION
  | TokenType.LET
  | TokenType.TRUE
  | TokenType.FALSE
  | TokenType.IF
  | TokenType.ELSE
  | TokenType.RETURN;



In addition to assertion functions and type guards, you can also narrow types using the in operator, typeof type guards, instanceof type guards, and if statements.

Type narrowing gives TypeScript more information about the type being narrowed, and allows the TypeScript compiler to be more helpful to you. When used responsibly, narrowing types can make your code easier to understand. However, it can also be easy to get carried away with making your types extremely precise. I speak about this in my talk at TSConf (recording, slides).

Knowing when this tool is valuable, and when its not is part of the fun, pragmatism, and challenge of programming. I leave you with this quote from a talk by Runar Bjarnason about constraints:

When we restrict what we can do, it’s easier to understand what we can do.

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Written by Lauren Tan who lives and works in the Bay Area building useful things. You should follow her on Twitter